Free Pattern Weight Tutorial
June 13 is National Sewing Machine Day, and what better way to celebrate than with a fun, free, and easy sewing project? Today I am going to share a DIY pattern weight tutorial with you.
What are pattern weights? Pattern weights are small weights used to hold pattern paper still on fabric in place of pins, or commonly used now to hold fabric in place while cutting using a projector. Pattern weights come in many shapes, sizes, and weights. This pattern weight tutorial will show you how to make them yourself, and you can customize with any fabric and filler you like!


You will need:
Let’s Sew!

- Place your two pieces of fabric right sides together. Pin/clip around three edges leaving the fourth unpinned.

2. Sew around the three pinned edges with a 1/4″ seam allowance. Clip the seam allowance in the two bottom corners.

3. Press seams open flat.

4. Bring the two side seams together. Pin/clip at the center. This will give it the triangular shape. Starting at one edge, sew about 1/2″ towards the center pin. Repeat with other side. (Orange arrows show which seams to sew). You should now have an opening in the middle to turn it right side out through.

5. Turn right side out.

6. Press the seam, pressing the raw edges of the seam allowance at the opening toward the inside of the weight.

7. Fill weight with desired filler. A small funnel makes this easier! I used a washer in the bottom of this one, and then rice. If desired, stuff a bit of polyfill in after your weight filler to fully fill out the empty space.
8. Top stitch closed with your sewing machine or hand stitch closed with an invisible ladder stitch. Tip: If you use your sewing machine, a zipper foot makes it easier!

You’re Finished!
Make as many as you need for a full set of darling pattern weights to make cutting all your Boo and Lu sewing patterns a breeze! You can easily modify the size of these as well by scaling your fabric squares up to whatever size you’d prefer. If you use this pattern weight tutorial to make your own weights, we would love to see! Tag us on instagram @booandlupatterns or share in our Facebook group!