Epic Unicorn and Rainbows Party Ideas

One year ago yesterday we threw my littlest love the most magical unicorn and rainbows bash you could imagine.
As I sit and reflect on the fact that my sweet little Boo is turning 2, my heart feels as though it could explode. Explode due to the excitement of all of the new things she learns and accomplishes every day. But also due to the sheer and utter sadness that I feel as each year passes by and the sweet, tiny, little babies I once held in my womb are no longer quite so tiny.

My sweet Boo is my rainbow baby. If you’ve never heard this term before, it simply means:
a baby born subsequent to a miscarriage, stillbirth, or the death of an infant from natural causes.
Everything we had done during her first year was done around the fact that she is our rainbow. Our ray of hope. So, naturally, I chose a rainbows and unicorns theme for her big day.

I’m a little bit picky when it comes to cake, whenever it’s time to order some my go-to is our local Weis Markets. Don’t knock it ’till you try it. Seriously. Weis cakes are delicious. But I digress. I went in there with a vision and they knocked it out of the park. This cake was everything I dreamed of and more.

When it came to Boo’s smash “cake” I wanted something smaller and something special that was mama made. To keep with the rainbow theme I used a boxed confetti cake mix and made it exactly as the instructions stated. I cut 3 small circles, piped on some strawberry icing, and layered those suckers up for her own little mini-cake. And not to toot my own horn here but, for someone who has never been very great at decorating cakes I think it turned out pretty darn adorable. Especially once we got that sweet, magical, star candle on top.
Instead of buying one of those metallic cardboard cake trays to put it on I just cut up an old cardboard box I had laying around. Then I used Reynolds Aluminum Foil to wrap the cardboard and voila!

For our decorations we used a mix of store bought items and homemade. The plates we used are from Party City and can be found here. For the cups we picked up some clear plastic cups from our local Walmart and used our Cricut cutting machine to cut out some vinyl unicorn decals. I won’t take full credit for that one. My awesome mom hand placed the decals on each and every one of those cups, and there were A LOT of cups. The table cloth that you see underneath can also be found from Party City via this link.

Another amazing Party City find were these unicorn napkins. The colors in these napkins went so perfectly with the pastel rainbow color scheme that I was going for with the rest of the decorations.

Our last Party City find were these adorable unicorn blowouts. All of the kids loved having these to play with throughout the party.

For some festive rainbow treats my mom and I got creative with some Oreos and marshmallows. The supplies that we used were Oreos, marshmallows, white chocolate, sprinkles, and lollipop sticks. We melted down the white chocolate and dipped one end of the marshmallows into the melted chocolate and then dipped it into the rainbow sprinkles. The Oreos were just as easy, we just stuck in the lollipop sticks then dipped our Oreo into the chocolate so that it was fully covered and dipped one side into the rainbow sprinkles.

The last treat that we offered were these purple and pink sticks of rock candy. We picked up some $1 pink tins to hold them and it added such a nice little touch.

I picked up this 1st birthday girl sash from Party City and made the headband using supplies from Pretty in Pink Supply Co.

We truly had a magical time at Boo’s Epic Unicorn and Rainbows Party. Did our party inspire you? I’d love for you to share your parties with me, post them on Instagram using #BLparties
Until next time,