draft a simple tank top

Draft and Sew a Simple Tank Top

Hi everyone!  It’s Josie here! Today I am going to be showing you how I made this simple tank top for my daughter without the need for a pattern. 

You can also leave the straps off if you prefer a strapless top. This step-by-step tutorial will teach you how to draft a tank top, and it is a quick and easy project!

Supplies Needed to Draft a Tank Top

  • Knit fabric
  • ¾” elastic
  • Matching/coordinating thread

Step 1

The first step to draft a tank top is to take measurements. Measure your model’s chest and waist and take note of the measurements. Next, measure the length you would like the tank top to be.  The top of the tank will be sitting just above armpit, so use this as the starting measurement for the length. For this tutorial, the measurements I will be using are 22.5” chest and 21.5” waist with a length of 7”. 

Step 2

NOTE: All calculations include a 3/8” (1cm) seam allowance.

Determine your measurements for cutting your fabric by doing the following calculations:

  1. Divide your chest measurement by 2.  Then, add 1.75”.
  2. Divide your waist measurement by 2.  Then add .75”.
  3. Take your length measurement and add .75”.  If you would like to hem your tank, add the desired hem allowance.  In my example, I did a lettuce hem, so did not add any hem allowance.
  4. For the top elastic measurement, subtract 1” from your model’s chest measurement.

Using my example measurements, I end up with the following:

  1. 22.5 / 2 = 11.25       11.25 + 1.75 = 13” Width at top
  2. 21.5 / 2 = 10.75       10.75 + .75 = 11.5” Width at bottom
  3. 7 + .75 = 7.75” Length
  4. 22.5 – 1 = 21.5” Elastic

Step 3

Cut two pieces of fabric using your calculations from step 2, using the photo as a guide.  These will be your bodice pieces.

Cut your elastic piece as per your calculated elastic measurement D.

If you are adding the narrow flounce at the top, cut two pieces use measurement A for the width and the length as per your desired flounce length.

Step 4

Place the two bodice pieces RIGHT sides together.  Pin/clip and sew at the side seams using a stretch stitch or serger.  Repeat with the narrow flounce pieces (if applicable).

If you are not sewing the narrow flounce pieces, skip to step 6.

Step 5

Place the bodice piece inside of the narrow flounce, matching the top edges.  The RIGHT side of your bodice piece will be touching the WRONG side of your narrow flounce piece.  Pin/clip and baste in place at the top edge.

Step 6

Overlap the ends of your elastic by .5” to make a loop.  Pin/clip and sew with a zigzag stitch.  Make sure to go over the edges multiple times to secure the ends in place.

Step 7

With your bodice inside out, find and mark the quarter points of your elastic and bodice.

Step 8

Place the bodice inside of the elastic loop, matching the top edges and the quarter points.  Pin/clip and sew at the top edge using a zigzag stitch or serger.  You will need to gently stretch your elastic while sewing.  Your stitching should be right on the edge of the fabric and elastic.  If you are using a serger, make sure to disengage the blade as to not cut off any of the fabric or elastic.

Step 9

Fold the elastic towards the wrong side of the fabric and press.  Top stitch the edge of the elastic all the way around to secure the folded elastic in place. You will need to gently stretch the elastic while sewing.  For a more professional finish, use a twin needle or coverstitch.

Step 10

Hem the bottom of the tank top and the flounce (if sewn) as desired.  You can also leave it unhemmed as knit fabric does not fray.

If you are not adding straps, you are finished!

Step 11

If adding straps, have your model try on the top and measure the length of straps required and the position of the straps. To draft the tank top straps, measure from the very top edges of the tank in the front and back.  Add 1.5” to this measurement.  Make a placement marking on the front and back tank where you want your straps to be connected.    Cut two fabric straps with the width of 2.75” and the length as calculated.

Step 12

Fold one strap in half lengthwise, RIGHT sides together.  Pin/clip and sew using a stretch stitch or serger.  Turn right side out and press so the seam allowance is to one side.

Step 13

Place one strap on your placement markings so the RIGHT side of your strap is touching the WRONG side of your tank.  The raw edges of the strap should be even with the bottom edge of the elastic.  Pin in place.  Secure the strap edges in place by stitching along the same stitch line from step 9.  Make sure to go over this stitch line at least 2 times.  Repeat with the second strap. 

Designer Tip: Baste one edge of the strap in place before permanently securing.  Have your model try on the top to ensure the straps do not need to be adjusted prior to the final stitching.

You are finished!

I hope you enjoyed learning how to draft a tank top!  My daughter paired her easy-to-sew top with the Honey Skirt.

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