Coverstitch Seam Blog

How to Remove a Coverstitch Seam

There are two ways to remove a coverstitch seam- when it is still on the machine, and after it is off. The technique is slightly different for each situation, but both are very easy!

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Step One. Stop sewing as soon as you realize you made a mistake, but do not remove the fabric from the machine!

Step Two. Using the handwheel, sew one stitch going BACKWARDS.

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Step Three. Lift the needles (backward) and presser foot, and slide the fabric away. Trim the thread connecting it to the machine.

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Step Four. Starting with the end you finished on, start gently pulling the looper thread. It will just fall away!

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Step Five. Flip the fabric over and pull out the needles threads. They’ll lift right up!

That’s it! Easy!

Coverstitch Seam Blog

Step One. Locate the end of the seam you FINISHED on. This is very important. It must be the side of the fabric that you finished the seam on, not the starting stitches.

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Step Two. Using a seam ripper, carefully remove just the last 2-3 stitches.

Coverstitch Seam Blog

Step Three. Start gently pulling the looper thread. It will come right out!

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Step Four. Flip over the fabric and remove the needle threads. They will lift right out of the fabric!

As you can see, removing a coverstitch seam is actually way easier than it seems. No need to pick out every individual stitch. You can remove a whole seam in just seconds! The next time you are hemming on a coverstitch and realize you made a small mistake (it happens to us all!), just use this method to quickly and easily remove a coverstitch seam and you’ll be back to sewing in no time!

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