How to Tie Off Instead of Backstitching
Have you ever been sewing a pattern and come across the instructions to “pull threads to the back” instead of backstitching to secure? This is often suggested for visible seams that you want to be extra tidy- like in topstitching. This is a popular method to use to anchor a topstitched seam for something like applique, where you want to avoid any unnecessary bulk or knot that would not be aesthetically pleasing. If you are new to sewing, you may not know quite how to tie off instead of backstitching.
The first time I came across this idea, I had no clue how to do it! I flipped the fabric over and pulled at the thread. Of course, all that happened was I undid the stitches! So if you also don’t know what this means, I am here to show you how to tie off instead of backstitching, and just how easy it is.
For the sake of ease in seeing the stitches in these pictures, I have two different thread colors: white and navy.

Have your fabric so that the bobbin thread (white) is showing.

Gently pull on the bobbin thread tail (white), until you can see a small loop of the needle thread (navy).

Gently slide a seam ripper (or needle or pin) through the loop of needle thread (navy).

Continue pulling gently until the entire thread tail comes out.

Tie off the needle and bobbin thread tails into a knot and trim the ends. That’s it!
The knot will be fully on the back side of the fabric and the top side of your fabric will have a clean beautiful finish. This method works very well for applique (such as on Apple or Cocoa), adding labels and tags, and any other sewing where you want a perfectly finished visible seam.

Example of this method used with Apple and Cocoa Applique on a Tamarack hoodie.
I hope this tutorial of how to tie off instead of backstitching helps you get beautiful topstitching every time!